More Memories
hello friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just dropping off a new song for you : ) this one will release everywhere June 9th! it's a love song featuring some lines from pablo neruda who is the author of "100 love sonnets" if you like lovey things check it out.
anyways hope you like the love song. big appreciate and thank you as always for supporting me here!!!!!
and i hope you are liking all the youtube videos lately : ) i have been trying to get one out every week! : ) things are picking up!!!! thanks for helping me make it happen.
your friend, SNCKPCK <3
More Memories
I love you without knowing how or when or from where So close that your hand upon my chest is mine So close that your eyes close with my dreams
Wherever you go in life I'll be there through the good and the bad Cause joy comes in the morning The sun rises above the trees And we make more memories
Oh yes we do Just me and you Oh yes we do Just me and you Just me and you
I love you as one loves certain obscure things Secretly between the shadow and soul You're the brightest light in every room You bring joy wherever you go
And you're the only person You're the only person You're the only person Ya the only person Ya the only person The only person That I'd weather a snowstorm with
Ya it's true I love you
Cause joy comes in the morning And the sun rises above the trees And we make more memories
Oh yes we do Just me and you Oh yes we do It's just me and you Truly just me and you Ya just me and you