Hello!!!! I'm so excited to be having a meetup!!! Come meet me in person wow and we can take selfies or video or vine or whatever you wana do!! I plan on bringing some cardboard boxes to slide down a huge hill at the location it something you always gotta do when you come to this park! Also if you want bring some bread! There is a duck pond behind the hill that we can go to and feed billions of lil duckies!!! okay so excited to meet you all there! Below you can see the google street view of the location and below that is an actual map!!! woOOooOoooOHOOOooooO!!!!! cya there :+)
google street view: https://www.google.com/maps/@32.750204,-97.350805,3a,75y,116.39h,79.94t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sdaTp6UdUrA0kyNzXTSnFWw!2e0