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For years I have subscribed to the idea of free online distribution of media. It's just something I've always believed in. I believe people pirate books, software, ideas, music, videos, and other media because of convience and the constraints of money placed on those objects. I have realized that I don't want to place the constraint of money on my own work for those looking for the chance to experience new content. Moving forward all of my creative output will be available to be disseminated as freely as possible. My material can be used for creative and noncommercial purposes. I encourage you to copy, reproduce, alter, and distribute it in anyway you can think of. Thank you for all your support. So here it is all of my content I have ever made for free forever. You can find my books here and my music here. All your downloads and donations are appreciated. I am excited to be on this path riding super fast with no end in sight! Lets have some fun!

I would love to hear your thoughts regarding this. Also if you read any of my books or have listened to any of my music I'd love to hear what you thought about it. I'm always trying to improve so please dont be afraid to email me! contact@snckpck.com